National Research Data Workshop 2022


Once again, the Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA) will be running the national research data workshop (online) from 11 – 12 July 2022. It’s an event to share experiences about data-intensive science (applications, etc) and research data management, and a way for us to get feedback from the user community (HOME – DIRISA). The workshop is for the academic research community, participants who would like to share their knowledge and experience in data-intensive research, and research data management related topics. This is the fifth workshop hosted by DIRISA and will feature key contributions by leading researchers, research managers and experts who are currently shaping the future of data-intensive research and data management in this field. You are invited to submit an abstract on any of a number of themes that will be covered during the workshop.

The workshop program and presentations can be downloaded here. Please click on the hyperlink to view and download the presentation.

This event also includes a data science training tutorial aimed at preparing the university students who will participate at the annual Datathon student competition in December 2022. This online training will show how open research data can be used to come up with creative and innovative solutions to some of South Africa’s challenges.

Abstract information:
Abstracts are to be submitted via email to dirisa [at] or xnkosi [at] An email will be sent to you to acknowledge receipt of your submission. A unique number will be allocated to your submission. The abstract closing date is 30 May 2022. Notification of acceptance – 01 June 2022.

Themes for the National Data Workshop:
Session 1: “Perspectives on Long Term Research Data Archiving Solutions.”
Session 2: “Addressing Data Privacy and Security Challenges.”
Session 3: “RDM, Policies and Covid19.”

Contact Information:
You are welcome to contact Xolani Nkosi at xnkosi [at] for more information.